Thursday, August 3, 2023

The dreaded countdown to 20 years...

It's so hard to believe that we are coming up on the 20th anniversary of Lauren's passing next May. 

 It is overwhelming to remember that my son will be 40 in October, and he has lived half his life without his sister. 

Milestones are sometimes the worst. They just are. It makes you sick to your stomach when you are in the situation we are in. 

Milestones should be fun, and sometimes they are - Our 40th anniversary last year, our son's 40th birthday coming up, those special birthdays for our granddaughters. They are all bittersweet without her here. 

The 20th anniversary of losing your child is heart wrenching. There is no other way to express it, I'm afraid.

We'll get through it. We always do. It is only by God's love and the love and support of family, friends and even acquaintances. I am thankful it is not on Mother's Day this year, like it was 20 years ago. 

 So I'll smile through that day and cry in my heart. But I will always remember everything about her, and I'll talk about her to her nieces, her sister-in-law and brother, her father, her family, and anyone else who wants to listen. 

I'll think about being 20 years closer to being with her again, to that time when we will be worshipping the Lord together for eternity.