Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thurs., Sept. 6, The accidental tourist’s guide to Firenze

Today started off with a bang, as we hoofed it back up the hill and the massive stairs to Piazzale Michelangeo to meet our tour bus. Trouble was, our tour bus was at our hotel to pick us up. The miscommunication was on the tour company’s part, as it turns out. I made my first Italian phone call on a public phone to find that out. Our paperwork told us to go up the hill, and the bus driver was told to pick us up here. We decided to try again tomorrow. 

We walked all over Firenze, I believe. We were gone from the hotel for 6 hours, and RT racked up 12,000+ steps on his pedometer. That is usually his allotment for one whole day. On the way we saw a Lutheran church, which reminded me of my sweet daughter-in-law.  

We went to the big open market and bought a few souvenirs. On the Ponte Vecchio, (old bridge) we saw jewelry store after jewelry store with beautiful jewels and gold and silver. Of course, I wanted something, and of course RT bought it! He got me a cameo from the south of Italy that just happened to be on sale. Since it was silver, it did not break the bank at all. 

We visited a beautiful church called Orsanmichele, which would not allow photos inside. It was magnificent! There were beautiful statues outside. As I was remarking on the church, an elderly Italian lady walked by and said, “molto bello!” 

We had a great pizza in the central city area, and enjoyed a coffee and pastry on the Ponte Vecchio. 

We saw some of the places we will visit in depth on the tour tomorrow. We are looking forward to going inside the massive cathedral in the center of the city, called the Duomo, and to the museum that houses David. That will be the highlight of our visit here. I saw the reproduction in California as a child, and I have always wanted to see the real one. 

We came back to the hotel to rest and recuperate from all that walking and actually got on the WiFi here. We were able to straighten out the tour problem and talk to our son, Aaron also.

Headed to dinner in our hotel and then to get some rest for tomorrow, our last full day in Firenze! 

The Lutheran church we found for Anna.
Il Duomo, which we will visit tomorrow. This is no indication of the size of this place. 

Shoppers in the open market

The Church called Orsanmichele, which was beautiful.

One of the many jewelry shops on the Ponte Vecchio. 


  1. The Lutheran church looks so new compared to the Catholic churches you've been showing, but I guess that makes sense!

    Also, LOVE the cameo.

    1. Thank you sweetie! Can't wait to see you on Sunday!
