For the last couple of days, I've been called out and corrected by people who are 25, 30 and 40 years younger than me.
Seems here lately everything I say or do is wrong. I am the oldest person in my office, yet I have nothing to offer or contribute to this place these days. It is quite disconcerting sometimes to realize I had lived a whole life before some of these people were even born. It doesn't seem to matter though.
I try to contribute in meetings or other discussions, only to get shot down or interrupted like what I have to say is not important. Maybe it's NOT important any more.
If you are older, you are disposable in this society. I am passe', I guess.
These are the kind of days I wish my daughter was still here. I think at 32, she would be a mature young woman who could maybe help me navigate this new place I find myself in. I miss having a mother and a daughter, really.
I think I will follow that old adage I once learned: "My tongue within my lips I rein, for who talks much must talk in vain."
End of rant.